TI-84 Slope Solver Program
From here you can either download the program for free onto your computer and then on to your calculator. (don’t worry we’ll walk you through it). Or you can use method 2 and type the code into your calculator by hand. After that, keep scrolling on this page for instructions on what the program does and how to use it.
Slope Solver Program Code
Method 1 (Download)
1. To download the program click the link below.
2. Click <here> for a tutorial on how to get the program on to your calculator after you have downloaded the file.
3. Keep scrolling to see how the program works and how to use it (optional).
4. The program is currently stored in your calculator’s ram. Click <here> to see a tutorial on how to save the program permanently.
Method 2 (Type)
1. See how to start a program on your calculator <here> (optional).
2. Begin typing in the code shown in the image below.
Do NOT individually type in the colons, or the “PROGRAM:EXAMPLE” name, the colons will show up automatically when you start a new line by pressing [enter]. The “PROGRAM:EXAMPLE” will already be at the top.
Having trouble finding the character or function you see in the code? See how to type any function/character/symbol on your TI-84 Plus>>.
*WARNING*: If you clear the ram on your calculator the program will be lost. To see how to save your work permanently click <here>.
How To Use The Program
First start off by opening the program. From the home screen press [prgm] then scroll to the program (mine is named “SLOPE”. Then press [enter] and then [enter] again.
The slope solver program will then take you to the screen shown below where you will be prompted to enter your first X coordinate. Then simply type in the value of the first X coordinate and press [enter].
After you press [enter] you the next prompt will come up asking for the value of the first Y coordinate. Next, enter the value for this coordinate and then press enter until you have entered all 4 values as shown below. (My example uses the coordinates (0,-1) and (5,1))
Once all the values have been entered press [enter] again and you the program will show you the slope of the line intersecting the two points.
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This is a wonderful website, and a nice set of useful programs for my TI-84. Thank you!