Casio fx-9860GII vs. Casio fx-9750GII
To start off I'll say that these two calculators are very similar, so this comparison not be as long as our usual ones. If you want to learn more about the features of either calculator, check out our review of the Casio fx-9750GII or the Casio fx-9860GII. In this review I'll mostly be focusing on the differences. If you are making a choice between the two you are going to be trading price for a bigger screen and slightly more capable software.
If you would like more detailed calculator comparison reviews click <here>.
Main Differences
The following list includes the features that the Casio fx-9860GII has and the Casio fx-9750GII does not. Anything not on this list is the same for both calculators.
- Larger Screen
- Built in light
- Textbook printing on screen
- Exact simplified radicals and fractions in answers
- 3 additional apps "E-act", "Spreadsheet", and "Geometry"
The most obvious difference between these two calculators is their screens. The Casio fx-9860GII has a 2.97 inch screen (diagonal) and the Casio fx-9750GII has a 2.56 inch screen. This may seem like a small difference, you can see the difference in the image below.
Even thought the fx-9860GII has a larger screen, it still has the same amount of dots or pixels. Both calculators have 128 X 64 dot screens.
The other difference regarding the screens is that the Casio fx-9860GII has a built in light and the Casio fx-9750 does not. The fx-9860GII's light can be toggled on and off, and is actually very helpful in dark or dimly lit situations.
Textbook Display
The Casio fx-9750GII still does not have the capability to display some expressions as they would appear in a textbook. It still uses the old method of display, using things like small "L"s for fractions and carrots for exponents. The Casio fx-9860GII however can print answers and take input in the way you would see them written out. Below is the same expression written on the Casio fx-9860GII and on the Casio fx-9750GII.
Exact Answers
Along with the textbook display the fx-9860GII also gives answers in exact simplest form. This is unlike the Casio fx-9750 which only gives answers in decimal form. Below are some examples of what the fx-9860GII can do in therms of giving exact answers.
The only other difference between the software is that the Casio fx-9860GII has 3 additional apps that do not come on the Casio fx-9750GII. The first of these and probably the least used is the "E-ACT" (short for eActivity). This is used to create more complex programs mostly designed for teaching students a math concept.
Next is the "S-SHT" (spreadsheet) app. This is just a basic spreadsheet editor where you can enter values or equations into cells and save them for later.
Finally, there's the Geometry app which allows you to draft shapes and/or lines and do other things like attach measurements of angles or line segments. This would really only be useful for a geometry student who wanted to experiment with different 2D shapes.
Which one should I buy?
Both of these calculators have low prices when compared with the rest of the market but there is still a significant price difference.
So, question you should be asking yourself about buying this calculator is: "Are the few extra features worth the extra $25-$40 I could be paying for the fx-9860GII?"
The fx-9750GII is defiantly the best bang for your buck. But on the other hand a larger screen and exact answers are not gimmicky extra features.
Casio fx-9860GII
Casio fx-9750GII
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Full Individual Review of The Casio fx-9860GII >>
Full Individual Review of The Casio fx-9750GII >>
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