If you're not sure what calculator is right for you we hope these reviews can help you make your final decision. If you have any ideas on comparison reviews we haven't done, comment down below, we would love the suggestions.

These calculators were released almost 8 years apart. Over the years not as much has changed as you may have expected. The TI-Nspire CX II CAS and the TI-Nspire CX CAS are two very similar calculators, but you will pay a different price depending on the one you choose. Check out our full comparison to see it the differences justify spending a bit more for the newer model.
The TI-nspire CX CAS is the most capable graphing calculator you can buy. The "CAS" in its name stands for computer algebra system. It can do more advanced things than the TI-84 can, but that comes at the expense of usability, and general familiarity of students and teachers who are looking to start using this calculator.
The TI-84 Plus CE is the newest version of the super popular TI-84 which has been around for a very long time making the technology stand behind that of the TI-Nspire. But what this calculator lacks in extra features, it makes up for in usability and it's acceptance in the educational community.
The TI-nspire is Texas Instruments' most advanced calculator that is allowed on most standardized tests and in the classroom. This is the best selling Computer Algebra System out there, but should it be? check out the full comparison to see how the HP Prime gives the TI-nspire a run for its money.
The HP Prime may be looked at as the underdog in this comparison, but we don't necessarily think that's the case. With a sleek design, modern hardware, and an easy to use operating system, it would be no surprise if someone were to choose the HP Prime over the TI-nspire CX CAS.
The TI-84 Plus CE is the newest version of Texas Instruments' famous TI-84 Plus line of calculators. It's incredibly easy to use, it has all the features that you need for high school, and many people are familiar with this calculator already. Its biggest setback is its high price tag when compared to the Casio fx-9750GII.
The Casio fx-9750GII is one of Casio's best calculator when it comes to usability. The xox-9750GII, like the TI-84 Plus CE is built for high school students and has all of the features that you really need. Although it's not quite as capable as the TI-84 Plus CE, check out our full comparison to see why this calculator is the best value
Casio fx-9860 |vs.| Casio fx-9750GII
These two calculators are both on the low end of the spectrum when it comes to graphing calculator prices. Both are made by Casio and both have very similar looks and layouts. These calculators have very similar capabilities with only a few key differences. The fx-9860 has the upper hand in the comparison, but it also has the higher price point. Check out our full comparison to see if the extra features are worth the extra cost.
Casio fx-9750GII vs. Casio fx-9750GIII
The Casio fx-9750GII was for a long time the best bang for your buck when it comes to graphing calculators. The Casio fx-9750GIII takes the cake now however. Both of these calculators are practically just as capable as Texas Instruments's very popular TI-84 Plus but at a fraction of the price. The GIII brings updates to the GII that improve usability and add some functionality.
Please Write a c omelette tutorial on intermediate and advanced use of the Ti Nspire CX CAS .
Please Cover all areas comprehensively.
This will be very useful for students,engineers etc.