TI-nspire CX vs TI-nspire CX CAS

This is not a full Math Class Calculator style review that goes in depth on all the main features of each calculator. Rather, this short article will explain the differences between the TI-nspire CX and the TI-nspire CX CAS. The two are very similar with just a few differences that I will cover in the next couple paragraphs. If you would like a full review check out our review of the TI-nspire CX CAS >> after reading this article to see all the details on the calculator.
The Major Difference: "CAS"
The only super important difference between these two calculators is that one, (the TI-nspire CX CAS) has a CAS, or a Computer Algebra System, and the other does not. For a calculator to have a CAS means that the calculator can do algebraic operations. For example, factoring, solving for a variable, giving exact answers, simplifying long expressions. The TI-nspire CX CAS can do the things shown below and more. But the non-CAS version would most likely give decimal answers when told to do something like simplify a radical/fraction. And it wouldn't be able to do any of the things shown below.
In conclusion if you want to be able to do "symbolic math" (math with variables) on you calculator, you are going to want to get the CAS version of the TI-nspire.
Why Choose The Non-CAS Version?
So you might be asking, "Why would anyone get the TI-nspire CX if the CAS version is better?". Well, there are multiple answers to that question. One is that although the price difference isn't much, the non-CAS version tends to have a lower price tag. Neither calculator is cheap.
The second reason is that the TI-nspire CX is allowed on more standardized tests than the TI-nspire CX CAS. Both are allowed on the SAT so having the CAS version would be to your advantage. However, for something like the ACT only the TI-nspire CX is allowed.
A third reason is if you're a teacher and you don't want your students being able to do most of your class on a calculator, you may want to have the less capable version for the classroom.
The bottom line on TI-nspire CX vs CAS
If you are a student and you don't plan on taking the ACT or any other test that doesn't allow CAS calculators, you should get the more capable TI-nspire CX CAS. If you want to be able to use your calculator on the most possible standardized tests, you are safer going with the TI-nspire CX.
We would strongly encourage most people to go with the CAS version as it is just downright more capable and around the same price. This is especially true for college level math classes like calculus where having the CAS really comes in handy.
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